Jun 26Liked by Liza Donnelly

Make certain your vaccinations are current. Carry some form sedative for your post debate. Thanks for your dedication to reporting this story.

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Jun 26Liked by Liza Donnelly

Tetanus for sure

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Dear Liza,

Your daily postings give me information in a way that I can absorb and appreciate. I feel truly grateful for your work. Thank you.

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Liza: You deserve combat pay imo. Also your drawings may be the only way to actually enjoy these slap fights!

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Liza needs to receive permanent disability compensation for PTSD. Even short time, close range exposure to the orange baboon is traumatic.

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At the very least. I think the days she was at ‘its’ trial she warranted a limo and bottomless ice cream bowls.

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A lot of captures / memories in your excellent drawings and debaters comments.

Like many I will be interested in seeing the impact of controlled microphones and no live audience.

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The Hillary-Bernie animation is terrific.

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Oh, I laughed so hard "You don't want to return to the hospital, Bernie." Oh my dog. All of these drawings are extraordinarily fantastic. I remember and laugh again about the fly on Pence's head. Here he is trying to discuss life-shattering political issues, and all anyone could talk about was the fly on his head. I applaud you all (and I know tis your job, Liza), but I applaud everyone who has the stomach to watch. I will wait for your insightful commentary, and as I said, I've been praying up a storm...and not for the man who holds the Bible upside down, and talks about two Corinthians. Heaven help us. Bring the tums for the tummy.

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Your animation is perfect!! Yellow jacket!!!

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I’ll definitely follow your live sketching. What a treat.

Nothing has changed with the GOP in all these years except more of the same.

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