
Those people [sic] are so horrible. Do they actually believe all the lies and crap they are spewing in public? Are they totally unaware of what that "Mein Kampf"-like document means for their so-called "beloved" America -- and for them personally? Historically, I'm thinking this evil path was originally laid by Republican President Richard Nixon. I don't think his Republican predecessor, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was leaning in that disgusting direction. And then Reagan and the Bushies just kept bulldozing the underbrush to extend the path to the edge of the cliff, where our precious democracy, along with the Constitution, are hovering on the brink. Okay, rant over. Thanks for listening.

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One needs to back up a little earlier to the early and mid '50s for the hollow work of very right-wing Republicans, particularly a discussion that happened on TV about the book God and Man at Yale by William f Buckley Jr, who was a - my words - shit head and tried to pull everything backwards as we now see the tsunami that he started, among others, among those who were pushing elitism as a superior form of life over others. General Eisenhower was actually quite a good president and whom I voted for in '56 as I reached voting age of 21.

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Good grief. And I'd wager most of these geniuses would identify as Christians. Jesus wept.

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I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to watch/hear all of that. I can’t even watch the news coverage of it. It makes me want to vomit.

Thank you!

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Wasn’t there a story in the Bible where angels enter a city trying to find just one good man and failed? This.

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Are you thinking of Sodom and the story of Lot and his daughters? If so, see Genesis 19.

IMO one reason these

empty souls carry on so while clinging to anything they can distort that appears to them as backup, is that they're cowards and bullies at heart, however they got that way, which seems to also mean that they don't know how to deal with the reality of other people, even with each other there, and even especially with each other there. You can watch them in real time as they shift alliances according to their mood, because they do not operate on reason with any moral base at all. They are emotional infants acting out, as I'm recalling from my own motherhood, roughly from 3 years old to 8 years old tops.

Watch them if you must, but not me thank you. Been there done that. Oof.

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I think your coverage is all I can stomach. My son and daughter in law are here from Australia and my daughter flew down from Philly to South Carolina and we watched the All Star Game. It was fun and a lot of fluff and two teams playing against each other, the National League vrs the American League. Each team is comprised of competing teams. It was a surprise to see a whole stadium filled with people having fun and united in playing and watching a game. I am grateful for a non news good evening.

Please keep drawing.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Thank you for taking a bullet for the team; I couldn't listen to all of this ...

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Thank you for listening to that rot for those of us too nauseated to continue listening and watching. We need you. And I appreciate you. Thank you.

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Wow! These are great drawings. The essential ickyness of each character shown/oozed through. Thanks!

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I cannot watch the RNC for the very reasons your drawings depict. I do not know what world these people are living in. Their speeches do not reflect reality, they just say whatever will get their audiences whipped up, and my anxiety was increasing as I read the quotes you included with your drawings. I feel abused. Thank you for all that you do Liza; you deserve combat pay.

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Yuck…..Thank you for sharing it through drawings and what speakers said. Much more bearable. Sympathies and gratitude for you suffering this to share w us.

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I had to stop reading. Your art is powerful. I don’t know how you managed to hang on.

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Witnessing, at least in Judaism, is a sacred act. May you be blessed.

Further thought - you might want to dedicate at least one day in the week to resting - your own personal Shabbat whenever you can.

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Thank you, Liza. While I just can’t watch the RNC, I think it’s important to hear the words spoken. Your drawings help bring these people to life, in a safe way for my mental health. One comment….you made Ted Cruz way too handsome.😜

May I echo Robin’s thoughts to take care of yourself this week…

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Thanks, Liza, for suffering through this baloney. Sending hugs 💕 That guy with the dog from WV —in his home state, the dog has more votes.

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Today's column was brilliant! You captured the essence of all the b---s speakers. The only truth last night was that people look like their dogs.

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Make America safe again??? A most baffling slogan of the RNC by many peoples' definition of safe and safety. And then you dive down, don't have to go far, and the great ugliness of this "upside down" narrow, coded definition becomes clear.

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