Your prices are way too low. Portland, Oregon also benefits from food carts.

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Thanks for the chuckles!

Felt cooler just seeing your cartoons!!

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How about cartoons for 7days of rain. We’re getting drenched in Minnesota and it’s not sweat!

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Any cartoons about 'dirty' tropical storms? Our mayor said standby for winds and flooding.

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Oh please please please! I want to jump into a giant sno cone. Bliss!

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I was wondering if it was flavored. I wouldn’t want to get sticky…

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The giant Sno-Cone!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx

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I would love to do the sno cone!!

your art invites folks in to set away and enjoy!

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These are all awesome!! Perfect for the new couple of days!

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Love these Liza! I was in freezing air con temps all day. The around 4 I strolled slowly down to my bodega soaking up the heat. It was delicious. Only thing missing were the characters in your toons.. but that's downtown for ya!

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Great cartoons.

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These are all totally fabulous, Liza! Perfect for the heat wave in a large part of the country. I'm here in pleasantly temperate LA, but I know that our time is coming.

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I want to "get in a snow cone." Pa-leeeeeze. Love it. And when I come out, if it's still hot, I'd pay for the nice man to drop ice cubes down my back. Spot-on. I may just set something like this up out on my front lawn....like the kids do with lemonade.

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I love all these cooling-off enterprises. I think I would choose the hose.

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I would definitely pay $2 to get hosed of on a hot day in any City! (Assuming the water was cold)

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I guess most of us want to be in a sno cone, sugarless, flavorless. Would it be scratchy? Did you read about the squirrel spa? If I could draw that…

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All your cartoons are delightful but like everyone else, I love the snow cone. We are enjoying mild weather here in Southern California but our time will come. Stay cool.

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