
YES πŸ‘

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I am 100 percent in favor of Biden! To have a distinguished statesman with a lifetime of experience is exactly what this immature type of political chaos needs. Those asking Biden to step aside do not have ANYONE ELSE who might step into his role. Kamala is staying right behind him. And please remember to include his international positions that have strengthen the country against some mighty powerful adversaries..

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Not one word I don’t concur with.

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I think to hammer home to the journalist class that the matter is closed is to hint at THEIR cognitive state when they keep asking the same questions that have already been asked and answered. At what point does the subject ask, β€œwhat is wrong with you? Are YOU cognitively impaired that you don’t even remember that I already answered this?” I know, I know journalists are impervious to insults. I was once them, too and my 1,000 yard stare past the insult was a practiced trait. But… c’mon…

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I just looked at the temperatures in DC since the debate. No wonder the punditry is grouchy.

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Back in the USA. The heat is real, like the large tree in our yard that fell to the hurricane. The politics are as putrid as an unmaintained septic tank. The country needs to address the problem of professional politicians; gives us term and age limits.

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I have a hard time believing that Democrats in favor of ousting Biden as a nominee are doing this to THEMSELVES at this point , so close to the election. The stakes so high. While the buck always stops with the President there is an incredibly competent well chosen administration backing the President and able to carry forth the excellent work/ policies that are having excellent results should anything change with Biden’s health.

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Jul 13Β·edited Jul 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

"We are worried because of the threat to our Democracy from a wanna-be dictator." You got THAT right. The orange man and the repugs want us to be in chaos. And they are smiling and happy out. They are loving this. Now, I, like a lot of other people, was on the fence, and sometimes off it...on the wrong side.. But we're not going to win if we're divided. Now's the time for unity. I have made my decision and I hope others will too. If JRB is in it to win. So am I. Even Scripture predicts a bad outcome when we clash; when we're unsure. β€œEvery kingdom that fights against itself will be destroyed. Every city or family that is divided against itself will not stand." (Matthews 12:24) And we have to keep the focus on the orange man. His flubs; his felonies (plural); his character. We must hammer home his deficiencies. End sermon. Thanks for your insight, Liza.Spot on, as usual.

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Looking forward yo your RNC drawings.

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According to a newspaper called The Hill, Trump sustained a minor injury at a rally in Pennsylvania. I have been wondering why it hasn't happened yet.

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Not since the night Bobby Kennedy was assassinated that summer night in 1968 have I been so worried and afraid.

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Finally, some good news. I am so tired of all the click-bait journalism with no real attempt to educate the public as to what the real story is.

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