I love the train stations in Rhinecliff and Poughkeepsie… it annoys my son that I like getting there early to stroll through them, but he understands… I see the YONKERS (sorry, I always read YONKERS on all caps, I don’t know why) stop as it races by on the way to GCT or Penn, depending on the railroad and station… one day, I’m gonna go from the city to Yonkers and stroll around that station if only because I’ve never been. I’ve been warned against doing this by a bunch of old New Yorkers who always sorta scrunch up their faces in a “why the eff would you do that?” look… you know that look, right?!? 😀 Thanks for this drawing and now I’m gonna seek out that hand and warmer button…

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Mar 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

Liza points us to everyday wonders. Next time at penn station I’ve plans to sit where she drew from a couple of months ago.

She’s a pathfinder

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Mar 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love the daily micro snapshots on life around us and the accompanying commentary. I've crossed the threshold into subscriber.

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And I thank you!

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Please pass on any information on good films you see at Barnard. I’m a bit of a movie buff and have been to several smaller Film Festivals

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Going To Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project

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I guess you know its a man, but I thought it was a woman until I read. Really doesn't matter.

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Mar 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

"Push for a short speech from Donald Trump."

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