Love this note. Odd how when we try to trace our thoughts to conclusion we (at least I) sound either like a cartoon character or the late queen of England... w/o doubt great advice: “Let your brain think”. Perfect

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The late queen?

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

I know what this is! Since you were doing drawing meditation ( like walking meditation) and I know you are aware of the law that one cannot move if you have a cat on your lap... this is a person who is really done meditating but must keep on!!!!Perhaps he will reach enlightenment???

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

Lovely watching you so effortlessly draw. I am a photographer. My drawing skills just suck but it doesn't really matter as long as we can express ourselves.

On the technology front, I am trying, without success, to make your video full screen. Your live presentation takes up about a tenth of my monitor. I would love a closer, full screen look. Thanks

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Okay, I'll see what's up with that. Thanks!

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Thank you Liza. I don’t have that talent for drawing but I’m writing more and slowly, very slowly getting a bit better at it. It’s very nice that you or anyone can start drawing or writing and not know that exact idea or theme until towards the end. While that is a rough draft of what you want to state or muse about. And that right there is a new place for me. Cheers

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Great, thank you. It's true I sometimes am not sure where I am going when i start writing, or drawing. It's the journey that is fun, and I am happy when others come along.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

I appreciate the simple but elegant tips you give.

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Thank you!

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Yes our mind and the creative space it offers. This piece fortifies it. I recall as a youngster my box full of Lego pieces - a mish-mash of kits I assembled then took apart to add to collection and create new things I conceived in my mind - imagination creation (planes buggy’s spaceships etc) w sound effects too🤪. Thanks L for this reminder no matter what place in time imagination and exercising it in media when we can in vital !

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That's so interesting because of course, kids start with a few legos and often don't know what they are making! Or with paint and a brush, they paint and then tell you what it is (if asked, although with children it is sometimes good not to ask what it is, rather just enjoy it). Thanks Andy!

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

Great clip. I enjoyed your easy chatter and live thoughts.

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Thank you, D.L.!

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Loved it. Very relaxing, reminding me to relax when I draw, and trust my brain. Your brain is very, very talented.

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gee, thanks, Helen! So happy you enjoyed it.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

Do you look back at your sketch/idea notebooks for inspiration or do you just sketch for the fun of it or to jog your brain or spur thoughts or whatever? That is, do you use them or are they things in themselves

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Sometimes I do look back, yes! Sometimes revisiting something makes it visible.

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Maybe more like Monty Python housewife meets deep thoughts.

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