Thank you Liza. I cannot believe we are here again, but you are right, we need to get loud, start a trend, and remind everyone why we are where we are today...he's to blame, and we will not survive another 4 years of him...

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Puzzled & disappointed by Swift. Didn’t she endorse Biden last time? She seems afraid to come out and endorse. And speaking of afraid, when did we become a nation of cowards? 🇺🇸

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Mar 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

I like that she’s challenging them think of their own lives and “own best interests” rather than telling them what to do.

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Mar 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

Please, do the loud in a peaceful, respectable manner. Don't give the others an opportunity to twist your position into their propaganda. Need guidance? Read ' Blueprint for Revolution: how to use rice pudding, Lego men, and other non-violent techniques to galvanize communities, overthrow dictators, or simply change the world', by Sroja Popvic.

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Typo!! Sroja Popovic.

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I agree, Terry. I always try. Thanks for the recommendation!

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Mar 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

With you Liza.

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Mar 7Liked by Liza Donnelly


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Mar 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

Somewhat contrarian, I'm not fully onboard with Taylor Swift's "the people who most represent YOU". I know a significant portion of my vote is for the public interest, the common and long-term good of the nation. It's not just voting my self-interest. In the meantime, we will get loud on values, character, policies & programs.

Thanks Liza.

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