lovely cartoon canoe incentive. I should use that in making myself walk faster.

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Isn't this what we always knew and expected? The right has nothing else, but they do have the money.

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Jun 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

I have been giving to the Biden campaign every chance I can. I don't have millions to spare, but I give what I can. I would love (and I hope they do this) Biden to ask the orange man if he can recite the Ten Commandments. Paraphrased: Love God above all . Nope, he loves himself above all, No false gods. Nope. The orange man worships money. No false witness. Nope. Everyone gets lied about. No adultery. Ah, nope. I could go on, but you get the drift. Yikes. Clever cartoon; love it. xox

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Jun 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who remembers Ann Richards of Texas saying of George H.W. Bush that he was born with a silver foot in his mouth. It's derivative but not exactly inexact to say that Donald Trump was born with TWO silver feet in his mouth (one of which he inherited, and one of which he commissioned from Latino artisans but never paid for). It helps explain his incoherence, at least.

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Jun 22Liked by Liza Donnelly


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Jun 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thanks, Patris.

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Exactly! And loved Anne Richards and recall that comment as if it was yesterday.

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Jun 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

Putin may not be on the Forbes' list of the richest, but may well be the richest man in the world.

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Thanks for your wide ranging and always insightful comments especially about Trump and Biden. I think we need to pay more attention to the way that Trump brings race class and hate together in a manner that is extraordinarily successful. Angry alienated, working class white, especially in the south have relied on Trump to identify so-called enemies generally people of color. Trump may be more successful at dividing the country, but it has been a long standing ploy by white elites going back to the Civil War if not before, so we must focus on Trump because he is so visible and powerful, but the real work that needs to be done in this country is to turn to the way millions of whites have relied on racism as a guide to the difficulties of their own lives and find easy indeed false enemies think of all of the powerful men and women of color who have graced this country in the last half century they are our leaders and Bacons we must turn to thanks

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So true, bob. I am reading a lot about the Civil War and reconstruction and it is incredibly eye opening. What you say is spot-on in my mind.

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Jun 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

It amazes me how many non-billionaire Republicans equate their political party with financial expertise. Liberal economists can show statistics that show a “rising tide” with Democratic presidencies. I’m mixing metaphors talking about a rising tide about a cartoon showing canoeists, but your cartoons “pack a punch” 😀

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Love this post. I had just bumped into the news of Mellon’s payment for Trump’s loyalty and Bloomberg’s donation to support Joe’s integrity, values and the good he’s done. I was just thinking about the difference when I opened your post. Thank you for saying it all really well!!

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Thanks! I know many of you all are really on top of the news, so I hope not to be redundant sometimes....

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Liza, I think your posts are uniquely not redundant. I can’t explain it exactly but it feels like your heart and humanity are woven into the way you report on the significant events. Like in the midst of trouble we are all truly together.

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Thank you, Robert. I am so glad to hear that. We are together.

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Jun 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

You are so wonderfully sane. Great piece. Wonderful sketch. God help us.

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Thank you, Patris. Same back atcha.

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Jun 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

Let’s not forget that a large percentage of that money raised for Convicted Felon Trump will never see his war chest. That puts Biden ahead of the crazy orange man, doesn’t it?

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Varying patterns of power. Trumps lies and audacity bond him with lost souls. Hate is a powerful and pervasive tool. That hate links with class divides already in place. The only answer is long term community building….and that is years away…check out robin dg Kelley and. Nancy Maclean……your words are so important

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Well put- and thank you, bob. The class divide is crazy, and yet Biden is from working class and Trump is from upper class (slimy real estate money).

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