Apr 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

I like the caption you chose because the bird sounds kinder and more helpful. Cute.

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Oh my gosh! We have bears, too, here in Colorado, but I honestly never even thought to bring the bird feeder inside for the night! We love watching our birds!

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do like the new revised version. No feeder needed for elephants, just put the entire bunch down. One could even hang it from a tree just not too high. I’ve given up on squirrels, they can get some food also. The ground feeders get plenty of seed too,

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Apr 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

I love watching and listening to the birds. I’m a bit “intermittent” in replenishing my bird feeder and luckily my next door neighbor is much more continuous in her efforts. 😃 And I love a good rant. Just had one about a shop in our area that is in a perpetual “going out of business sale” and my rant included plenty of “and another thing” and even a “furthermore.” When I imagine it in a cartoon it’s pretty funny. Thanks for the rants, your editorial art and the impassioned truth that pulls it all together. ❤️

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Apr 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

Much alike. I admire your vocabulary. Just yesterday I said (while ranting at the news) you can’t tell me they’re ‘not in cahoots!’ I stopped speaking immediately and my husband and I just stared at one another before bursting into laughter..

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Apr 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

Haha. Love it! Thinking about the birdwatching and the rants and how surely there must be some bird that rants! All puffed up, impassioned and indignant. That’s what I was feeling like in my rant. 😉

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Apr 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

We inevitably get a bully or two in one of our feeders. Blue jays are the worst. Cardinals can be pushy btw, though they’re favs.

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that's a great word, cahoots!!! I may use it.....:)

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Apr 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

It would be an honor!!

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Thank you, Amy. Love your rant about that business, it's infurating! I just ranted on twitter about an article on famous women in sports being "fashion" plates. Ugh!

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Don’t go shopping in a bird feeder for roots and branches.

Just my mood just now.

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Liza I for one welcome the hoped for quiet. Not depending upon it though…

I am horrified that bears come into your yard!

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Apr 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

I just did a quick google and I think you have the same kind of bears that we do in Washington--black bears. They're in our yard all the time. They're actually quite shy. They run as soon as they hear us. A mom with cubs is concerning (in that you don't want to get too close or startle them) but we see them all the time and there is no appreciable threat. (But it is also not a good idea to feed them. If they lose their fear of humans it becomes unsafe for us AND them.)

I also find it interesting that we feed the birds and view the squirrels as usurpers... They're both adorable!

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That's what I've heard, yes....but still worrisome for us! ANd I agree re the squirrels--i love them equally!

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Right?! They're so cute!

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Apr 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

I like the original caption!

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Apr 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

The cartoon here could be the bird (possibly a mocking bird or a small, fierce junco) defending its feeder against the elephant. Birds are not prone to sharing. They can be just as selfish and territorial as any mammal. We use deer spray on our feeders to keep the elephants away.

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Apr 7Liked by Liza Donnelly

I like the original caption especially in these times when us little chicks need to stand up for our rights and spaces !!

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Apr 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

I agree with Sally, it's a kinder caption. I like it!

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I have bird feeders on my back deck and I sit and watch nature play out. The black birds are too heavy for the feeders so they hang out in the ground. The squirrels come by to feed, chasing the small birds away but the black birds end up harassing the squirrels to leave the small birds alone because the small birds drop food down on the ground for the black birds. The crows perched high on the trees on the lookout for hawks and would screech when they saw one so the birds and squirrels would scatter… some of the crows would come down to feed, go back up, the others then feed…

Took me a while to figure out the birds were all working together like this… nature really is incredible when you take a minute to watch…

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Like them both. I would love to see one of the squirrels sliding down the pole.

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Apr 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

I like your revised caption, but the first one is good too! I think elephants like peanuts, but they would have to share with birds and squirrels 🐿️

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Apr 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

I'm more inclined to the active voice, which tends to work better with comedic timing. That said, a bird instructing an elephant is already funny!

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Same as what Sally says. The bird is friendlier and I think that makes the content funnier-sweeter. I love this elephant.

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