Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

That ‘Obama-Ginsberg hug’ should be a print. A keeper!

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It was a great moment.

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

Seriously though.. I'd buy a print if it were available. It speaks a beautiful, quiet exchange by like minded patriots.

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Sorry for the delay! I can get a print made, I charge $100 for prints, signed including shipping.

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

Feels good

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

❤️ ❤️

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love this!!

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I was proud of the Pres tonight. The street fighter is coming out.

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

I watched with some trepidation knowing his enemies would glom onto and exploit anything worth exploiting. But Biden was good tonight. He did well with his prepared speech and I enjoyed the ad libing. Tonight I was thinking when he kind of slurs and stumbles in his speech that maybe his brain is working faster than his mouth and isn’t that a good thing?

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

I thought the same... his minor word fumblings are quite normal for someone passionate to get multiple ideas out. He did OK.

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Yes! And he always has done that, spoke fast. I think it is a coping mechanism from when he was a stutterer. It's lingered.

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

SO well done/drawn, Liza!

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Thank you!

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

Pres. Biden was on fire. I agree he needed to be political tonight. I love the talent he has of punching without it seeming mean. A real skill…being comically witty while drawing blood. Jonathan Capehart on PBS NewsHour said, “Grumpy Grandpa Joe” connected. He got that right.

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

And I like the drawings, too! 😊

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Thank you!

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

Biden was amazingly strong tonight. Michelle Cottle in the Times urged Dark Brandon to show up. He did, and if he keeps this up during the campaign, he should win handily, and then up in prison, unable to atop the investigatiions and/or pardon himself. A double win for America. Great drawings, Liz !!

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

Excellent drawings, excellent speech!

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Thank you!

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Thanks for the first news I received about the address! Surprisingly enough, there were no mentions in any other of my emails this morning (6hours ahead of you), except for Le Monde's, which headlined Pres. Biden's "discours offensif sur l'état de l'union", which made me gasp, until I realized that they only meant it in the "on the offense" meaning. Now I'm going to go to other news sites to have the details -

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

Brilliant rendition of the salient points!

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Thanks! There were so many good ones, too. I missed a lot. Particularly the one about women being powerful voters (paraphrasing!).

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

Biden should have displaced any reservation about having fire in the belly at 81. Fabulous reminder to SCOTUS that women vote.

Best of all, real, refreshing beef on programs, policies & priorities that are aligned with our national character. We are off to the races. Always grateful to Liza for freeze-framing 'the moments'.

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Thank you! Yes, that comment about women was one I wish I had captured. It was great. Also calling out Kamala, and then she stood up to clap for him for being the one who brought her to make history!

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love your beautiful & clever drawings. Love the SOTU!

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Thank you!

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Mar 8Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thank you, Liza, for your amazing ability to capture the essence plus the meat and bones of President Biden's address to the Union. I'll always remember fondly the Night of Obama's Address!

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You're welcome!

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