After listening to snatches of last night's famous interview with Musk, I'm wondering: What if Trump has a stroke or even dies before election day? What would the GOP do? Would Vance get the call? Seems unlikely. Trump's demise seems possible; the orange king-in-waiting might not make it to the finish line.

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I believe it is slow poisoning, the toxicity of his makeup is seeping into his tiny brain.

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Lisa, I love this drawing and your stream of consciousness as you were drawing. In Florida where I live, kids went back to school yesterday! The dog is reminding the kid that he's lucky he lives in the northeast.

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Hi Liza, The headphones didn’t solve your echo. Did seem like the right solution. a thought or two : are you simultaneously recording your live drawing while using zoom? That would mean two mics are happening at the same time. Or is the headset operating at the same time another speaker is active? Wishing you luck:-)

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Yes, only it's not zoom, it's an app called Streamyard. I mute my iPhone, which is recording the drawing. Thanks!

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You came through very clear. I’ll bet all pets dread the first day of school as they watch their playmates, the humans, get on a bus, get in a car, or walk down the street(s) to school. Summer is over for them too.

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Always fun to watch someone draw. Loved that very dark (10B!) pencil.

Thanks for the reference to George Herriman's "Krazy Kat"; before my time, of course, but still, his drawings were great: I'm sure many cartoonists owe him a debt of gratitude.

Regarding the election: I don't want to be foolishly optimistic, but I am getting that deep feeling I had when Obama ran in 2008, a sense that the time has come, this time for a woman (of color!) to be our president. And also that the time has come to say a big "no" to authoritarian sociopaths, here and elsewhere in the world.

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in the drawing, I think the dog is saying, "I don't care if you still have sand in your bucket--it's time to get ready for school!"...just a thought

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as always

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Trump is imploding already, he hasn’t been trotted out for a press conference in a while after the last rambling mess. I’m with HER!

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Liza, this is such a lovely drawing and it was wonderful to see you drawing it with such ease. This is my favourite sort of your posts. I’m glad that you left it open to interpretation and didn’t add any words; the characters are so expressive. I love it!

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Thank you!!!

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I always thought I’d never see the day a woman would be President. I really feel that now is the time. I really don’t understand how anyone could vote for Trump, but…

I don’t want anyone replacing Trump for the election. The real fascists are waiting in the wings- like JDV

Thanks for your inspirational drawings and videos. I am into Sketchnoting and writing along with drawing…

Terri Rogal

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