Best ever, great work!

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Thank you!!

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Good cartoons. Thursday will give you a lot of new material.

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Indeed, Thursday, June 28, yielded a great deal of material. I doubt it was welcome in these quarters, though…

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He may not genuinely want to win. Being POTUS is a lot of work, even if he doesn’t actually have to do any of it… he may want to just rage on social and do rallies, etc. as long as the legal system keeps him out of prison, what does he care? It looks line SCOTUS is set up to protect him and that is what he may know.

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Ugh.. hit post. He is testing the National amnesia. After four years, a lot of America forgets just how bad you were and after eight… that’s just ancient history. American won’t have the appetite to stick a former potus in prison after eight years has gone by… Trump may be a lot of things horrible, but one thing he does know how to do is read the zeitgeist. He is far from a strategist, more of an impulse actor and reactor, but he knows how to read the air… how to come close to wining without actually winning… he didn’t “quite” succeed last time (mostly because Putin didn’t come this close to let him lose .. only by ~70,000 votes), but he also wasn’t as far over the top as he is this time around.

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Jun 26Liked by Liza Donnelly

He may not want to win, as apparently he felt in 2016, but winning is what keeps him out of jail. That’s his motivating force. Better to die peacefully in the White House of old age than in a prison cell. I certainly prefer the latter.

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We said that in 2026, that he didn't want it. I think he may not have. But now he does. He craves fame and power.

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Jun 25Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thanks for this. Spot-on, as always, and so insightful . I know I should, but I can't watch. My stomach is already in knots. If Biden is required to have a drug test, the President's people should request a mental capacity test for his opponent, so "they" can't say the debate wasn't fair because it was pitting someone with diminished mental capabilities against someone with all his marbles.

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Thank you!

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"It seems that the news media is slowly becoming more critical and real about Trump and who he is." Too late, not fast enough, and not enough!! Great drawings!

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Absolutely too late MSM. They have false equivalenced themselves into a state of total untruth. My god the Orange Disaster has turned our world upside down.

At 68 I have not seen our country this divided.

We went to the Jersey Shore last week as we got close, at he Tidal creeks inland we were greeted by a large Red Marina with a huge sign proclaiming


The working class misbelieves that he cares. 2 days later as we pulled out of Stone Harbor, on 96th Street, we were greeted with an 8 seater golf cart sporting 4 big flags, 2 at the front, 2 at back,

with Trumps face waving at us waving, “I’ll be Back”. Upper middle class in the bag for the monster and his BIG WHITE HOPE LIE.

This is of course Van Drew’s congressional district.

It is sad when one of your childhood memory places become colonized/compromised by the Orange Menace.

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Thanks! I hope its not too late!

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Jun 25Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thanks for the drawings Liza. Warming is very powerful.

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Warning ⚠️ spell check.

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I thought you meant me! I misspell ALL the time, particularly in drawings.

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Thank you!

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