Love this drawing so much!! The background is like an angry red vortex (of his own creation) swirling around threatening to drown him.

And then I noticed, it can also be seen as a brilliantly stylized


His posture and expression are perfection.

Thank you very much. I also wish you could get into the courtroom.

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Or his absurd necktie is strangling him. Which I now see.

(Im still adjusting to cataract surgery.)

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Thanks so much, DeeDee! It's just so crazy that this man has so much power over so many.

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I’m in Ohio. I understand it, which makes rage toward it and the voters who support him even more visceral.

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I went to college in Indiana, but that was a long time ago and not the same as living in the region. What do people think? Why do they still like him, what's your take?

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Yup, there are tons of T2024 signs everywhere, Gadsden’s flags, other subtle signs we see as we walk the neighborhoods, me and my dog. There are also a smattering of LGBTQIA+ flags and some neighbors who are a D surprise (who look like me, wyte, older cis male) where we chat a bit, circling each other not knowing each others’ politics) but I also border some FLAMING RED counties where they are out and proud Trumpers and racism is not hidden. Again, I look like me so there is never any racist, homophobic or misogynistic thought held back by these folks. There are certain grocery stores I can go to with a mask and nobody bothers me and there are others that allow open carry guns and are dangerous to shop in wearing a mask. It’s a mixed bag... but yeah, I understand why he gets as many votes as he does out of Ohio...

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I also understand why the National Democratic Party has largely given up Ohio to the GOP. Too hard to isolate and target D voters. We’re left to do guerrilla canvassing house to house, voter to voter. It’s very disappointing to be left on the field by the national party. But apparently we’re a training ground for running candidates who will lose, but then have campaign experience on their resume for the Party. Pretty cynical POV, I know, but that’s our takeaway... so I understand why some Ds turn coat... I understand why some Ds drop out. Told you don’t matter enough, you start believing you don’t matter. All eyes on Ohio today for Issue1, but watch how quickly we’re forgotten. I give it until tomorrow about 9:32pm ET.

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That's sad.

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Thanks for the insight, Gerard.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

It's a blessing the polls are so often wrong and that we have you Liza Donnell to make us laugh 😉

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...and think

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly


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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

I hope this poll will energize people to get the heck out and vote; sometimes when people hear their candidate is trending low, it pushes them to get a move on. (I hope. I hope. I hope.) And of course, all the polls (if I remember correctly) said Hillary was going to win. So go figure.

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I know. Well we have a year before the election, a lot can change and hopefully for the better!

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D.L. --that's what I keep hoping, that they are wrong. Glad I can bring humor to the situation!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

We wish you had been there, too. I can't tell you how sick and tired I am of seeing his face and listening every single solitary day about his trials and tribulations. It's like a slow drip Chinese torture. The press should gather all the info on him and have a segment once a week for those who want it. So the rest of us don't have to endure him. We could have "T-free news." I'd pay for that for sure.

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If Trump wins, you will have to go underground with your art.

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Ugh. That's what he wants, a dictatorship.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

It saddens me to see trump make a mockery of the Judicial system. I doubt his behaviors would be allowed of “ regular citizens”.

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i know, and I was surprised that the judge backed down a little and let T ramble. But I think the ramble may have not served T well in the end.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

This drawing feels very emotional for me. You’ve captured the comical little hands and stupid hair styling but also the terrifying vacant glaring eyes and the spinning, spinning out of control lies.

And what’s with the weird black cape/tail? Otherworldly and scary… perfect!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

Well put

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Thank you, it was emotional. I had this image of him sitting there with those hunched shoulders and hands between his knees, as we've seen in photos of him in court. And then the tie. The tie. His vacant look, yes--and anger like nobody's business.

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It captures the screaming cycle of freaking insane ill will of a sociopath that has tasted power.

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Perhaps, just perhaps, it was a mistake for Democrats, progressives, etc. to seize upon Joe Biden, of all people, as the Second Coming of FDR and the Savior of Our Democracy. In retrospect, it’s obvious that only an improbable combination of circumstances landed Biden in the Oval Office. And once there, he more than lived up to his long-standing reputation for getting just about everything wrong. It was Biden, you may recall, who advised Obama not to terminate Osama bin Laden. He’s always had an infallible instinct for the wrong call.

If Trump returns to the White House, as well he might, a big share of the blame will fall on the people who replaced him with Joe Biden. Honestly, was that the best that the Democratic Party could do…?

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Well, I see him airbrushing a target 🎯 around himself, from a civil liability standpoint in this case. We’re going to have to brace for the coming appeal to overturn the coming verdict. My guess is that one ground will be ineffective assistance of defendant.

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Lke some many others have noted--your Trump sketch is alive!!!

And maybe that is why so many flock to him.... so many feel lost and mistreated. Trump's anger and hate and negativity gives a sense of purpose--- to so many....

Think of the lost souls recruited by military's worldwide and especially Germany in the 30s; think of the many who invaded Congress in January.

Trump is building a gang of people who finds identity and power in his venomous hate, his racism, his sexism, his Islamaphobia...and the list goes on. That is why it is so difficult to "change minds" that have turned to him. And lets also remember the many so-called leaders who stand in shadows and fail to condemn his evil ways. (Florida, Texas and more)

We must build the world we need--ourselves. What does that look like?

Years ago, EB White, if memory serves, wrote a brief piece in the New Yorker, sketching with words, young kids "flipping" on a beat-up bed frame in an empty lot in the Bronx.Their energy and joy was deeply inspiring.I carry the piece around because it is so beautiful.

Certainly Liz you can offer us joyous sketches of kids and families alive and active out in the streets of the city. I vote for more illustrations of young kids, male, female, trans---anything---building new ways forward. Illustrate away Liza!!!!!

(Finally, maybe Elon can get Trump in one of his rockets and they both can head to Mars).

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I think you may be right, that T has tapped into an angst that he promises to fill but of course never will. It's a shell game (is that the right term?). Can positivity overcome this darkness? I guess I think so, otherwise I wouldn't do what I do. I always have said that editorial cartoonists are optimists with a heavy pesimist streak. We have to see reality in order to draw it, but yet we need the optimism in order to continue drawing.....

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

At first I saw your drawing as a great weird question mark.

But then the song "Amazing Grace" floated up. Something about Trumps hands in your drawing made me wonder if any one of us might reach a place were we can become more human.


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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

No matter how appalling Humpty Trumpty gets, it seems to garner votes. I'm beginning to worry he wants to overthrow the government. He's a very scary guy and would really like to be dictator of the U.S., forget President. Where are we heading? Nowhere good.

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He absolutely does want to do that! He wants to create an undemocratic state, like what Putin has. His buddy.

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Can positivity disrupt the Trump militia? I think most writers and intellectuals would say--"only a little..." But we need to keep open hearts for our own sanity and as "activists" if we use either that term or illustrators..... I am guided by the unending strength of mine own mother who never let others break her stride, including her abusive father. And I'm sure you have been steadied by strong souls. And, geez, 18 books? That's stunning frankly!

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Author

I have been steadied by strong souls, my father among them. My mother died young, sadly, but she encouraged my drawing. And thank you re books. I just take advantage of opportunities when I can!!

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oh get outta here LD. you have a truly rare heart, are super talented and doing really good things in the world. and i so hope your family is loving and present. my daughter asks me to hug her longer and make more eye contact and i can cry just thinking of that

my book took 5 years of research and writing and learning ASL. i had white hair showing in the wind before i left graduate school. I cannot imagine 18 books. and talking on this site? with amazing grace and care.....

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

About not understanding (feeling I share) here are my thoughts:: 1)brain damaged voters and leaders 2) poorly educated voters who lack critical thinking 3) the human brain is devolving instead of evolving, due to uncertain environmental, education, health, etc factors 4) and finally, just for laughs, the bad aliens have stepped in to conquer governments and Mother Earth through chaos and ignorance.

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