Jul 31Liked by Liza Donnelly

Weird white man from the east speak with forked tongue.

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Jul 31Liked by Liza Donnelly

Yes, lying, bullying, insulting, evading, accusing, bragging, and generally filling the air with noise and bullshit. Arrogance and anger and revenge on display for all to see and hear in comparison to Harris.

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That orange-headed poor excuse for a human being wouldn't know the truth if it came up and punched him in the jaw. I watched part of his appearance before quitting in disgust. Does he ever stop talking? Does he ever stop making up lies with every breath he takes? Where are those "70 million" people "invading our country" at the border? And he defines "Black jobs" that are being stolen as "any job a Black person has." This is an idiotic "definition." But what can anyone expect from a bona fide idiot? And he observes that "there are a lot of Black people in the audience." What a brilliant observation? There is absolutely nothing that comes out of his mouth that bears the slightest resemblance to the truth. He believes -- he knows -- that anything he says is the truth. That's what we all were taught when we were growing up, right? Oh, save us from this non-human creature! Please get everybody you know to vote for Kamala Harris and rid our country of this one-person pestilence. ¶Okay, another rant over.

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Thanks, Liza! 💙🇺🇸💙

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I so hate to discuss Trump for any number of sound rational reasons. He is violent; he hates women and people of color and many more; and he seeks unending power and affirmation. And most important--he fuels and reaffirms the hate and pain and greed of many lost souls in a divided world.

Wise analysts (Heather Cox Richardson among them), suggest the election will be determined by 15 or so counties in 5-6 states. Look around and see how we can undercut the hate and support our vulnerable fellow citizens. Lets build the world we need and deserve, person by person, family by family, house by house and county by county. Build, weave, gather, grow.

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Aug 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

OMG! We just watched the C-Span that you gave us the link to. I have a terribly upset stomach after doing so. I cannot understand how any one can support or vote for that guy unless they are in search of power or have been threatened by him and his goons. Unable to respond to questions, bullying, repeating the same lines over and over. Oh what a nightmare. This may not be the best comment but I'm not capable at the moment of doing better. Thank you for this and VOTE BLUE! Go Kamala!

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Aug 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

Hopefully the Trump/Vance ticket are dinging their own grave , but essential to keep the Blue momentum going.

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I think the way Kamala and her supporters are handling him is brilliant: They’re laughing at him, which is the best way to get under his very thin orange skin. Which is not to say that she and the Dems are not seriously calling him out. My favorite news story today was in the Washington Post. A group of Kamala supporters drove through Trump-heavy territory, The Villages, with blue signs on their golf carts supporting Kamala. Immediately, a woman who heads a Trump group there said they’d send their own golf carts around. How high schoolish & pathetic.🥾

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I totally agree. Class act. I love the golf cart story, and yes, they act like high schoolers, bad ones.

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The very people who should be seeing your cartoons, listening to the news, keeping abreast of what Don the Con says and does - don't because they want to be confronted with how demented, dangerous and determined to spew lies about everyone and everything. These people - Trump lovers want to keep their heads buried in the quicksand. Sad to say I have some family members that I refuse to get into political arguments with because all they do is shout or try and bully. And then a new Trump 2024 spray painted sign n a log, on a major highway, outside our community at a huge dairy farm espousing their love of Trump. I am sick! It is a huge family farm and three of the owners I had as students in 6th grade. Of course I couldn't and wouldn't way back then talk about politics. They are smart people, hard workers, and love all of the children they have had. But I can't help but not understand what they see in Trump. They built their new modern facility not under Trump's admin but under Biden/Harris'. Trump hates everyone but himself when they don't fawn all over him or fall out of favor. I will be sick all over again tomorrow when traveling to town and seeing that blazing orange spray painted Trump 2024. Funny now to think of it that it is orange just like Don the Con and his makeup or perhaps eventually the prison jumpsuit he will wear.

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Aug 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

Liza, thanks for today's drawing and for the CSPAN link. I did watch the interview and it made me so angry. His rudeness is never checked, the majority of his lies were not thrown back at him, his insults were relentless, and when he was hit hard, he just spews additional nonscensical insults that include more lies. My blood pressure cannot take much more. I will stick to your drawings and your summaries and comments, I can handle those. Thanks for taking him on and saving our sanity.

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Aug 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

I saw a comment elsewhere suggesting that he was confusing Kamala Harris with Nicki Haley. That totally makes sense to me. He is such a dope.

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Trump is an embarrassment even to his campaign staff. After 34 minutes of his racist rhetoric onstage this event, his staff pulled him from the stage and ended the interview.

Trump doesn’t dare whether he gets the votes or not. He has said so himself previously. He told the Christian group they didn’t have to vote because he wouldn’t need the votes. What candidate running for the highest office in the nation does that?

If you recall, over the past 4 years Trump has worked very hard at getting his minions in strategic positions in states across the country. The biggest area he worked on was the Supervisor of Elections. These people who were elected, now in office, have openly stated they will not certify the election of respective stay if Trump loses the state. What we will have is another Florida case of Bush v Gore. It will end up going to the Supreme Court where Trump only will need 6. He has 6 justices in the Supreme Court in his pocket. They have already demonstrated this now many times with their ridiculous decisions.

We must get everyone out to vote. This needs to be a landslide victory where there’s no doubt. We must rid our political system of every Republican currently in office.

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Aug 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

I did watch that appalling event. I’ll let you speak for me. I sat with my mouth hanging open feeling sick and dirty just watching and listening to him. Cult leader spewing nonsense and passing out kool aid. Don-old Weirdo.

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Aug 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

This is brilliant, and I really appreciate it. This guy has surpassed the road to authoritarianism and is very close to a full blown fascist. Reality doesn’t seem to matter to him and if he actually recognizes a “problem” (e.g., providing another big tax break for his rich buddies or removing regulations that make certain we have clean drinking water) he says only he alone can fix it (see funding for HBCU). It’s astonishing to me that, even with wagon loads of evidence, MAGAs deny his racism. Maybe he alone can fix them…

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Aug 2Liked by Liza Donnelly

It is truly outrageous. He now is not only vomiting lies, he appears to be color-blind. If I were interviewing him (ewww), I would hold up a blue pen and ask him what color he thinks it is. Or point to his tie and ask him what color it is. I have developed a callous on my head from smacking it so much. Thanks for throwing the spotlight on all the lies.

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