The trouble with imagining new lows for Trump's behavior is that because

he will probably steal and use them as yours will be far more imaginative.

Thanks for your work.

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I think your posts are the “need to know” basis, very important and balances the crazy.. Your always drawings hit the mark with me! Love them

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I restacked Matthew Matthew Yglesias' "Slow Boring" from this morning, he makes good justications for why the GOP has turned into the party of 'Cranks'. 'Weird Cranks' seems a perfect epitaph for the GOP eulogy.

Now back to the Harris - Walz Inaugural Ball.

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Liza, don't stop. You are a more enjoyable commentator on all things normal than most media experts, who couldn't draw a straight line even with a ruler.

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Thank you, MIchael, what a nice thing to say. You all keep me energized and your encouragment is important to me.

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Aug 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thanks for posting the Anderson Cooper clip. Everyone needs to see this. Your outrage is palpable and I share your frustration with not believing we are effectively counterpunching, but I believe we are. If we each do something we can help ensure that we win. Thanks for what you do every day!

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Aug 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

Well said, Irma. Solidarity.

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Aug 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love your post as always. So some in the media have FINALLY decided to recognize that Trump is batsh*t crazy? It's about time.

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Aug 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

You know the orange man has no idea about how to run the country and what to do to make our lives better. He just rests his campaign on hating the other. on disgusting...I mean really absolutely disgusting soundbites. He really is unhinged. And grabbing a photo op at that veteran's memorial, well, low has a new meaning in the dictionary: a photo of DJT. And don't forget he was the one who called prisoners of war "losers." I can't thank you enough for keeping the focus on his mental status, which is scary. Perhaps the worm jumped from Kennedy's brain to the orange man's. Thank you again, Liza. Keep it up. xoxo

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Aug 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

It is unfathomable why so many people in our country don't seem to realize how not normal he is.

Also, I have never understood what the big deal was about the tan suit! It just mystifies me why anyone would care what color suit the president wears. I guess it broke tradition? still, compared to traditions like, say, the president should have personal integrity and read some books...

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Aug 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

P.S. and I can't believe he is selling snippets of his suit, along with all the other paraphernalia, Bibles, gold sneakers, playing cards. Really?. And are we interested in the issues or what people are wearing. Oy.

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I can't wait for your daily comments and drawings re: the lost political party. I can't call them Republicans ( I was one at one time) I'm still trying to understand how many Americans can swallow his bulls--t and vote for this obviously crazy candidate.

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I think by having her and Walz on the interview, she is saying that America is getting team and they both trust each other, she trusts Tim to be a VP to her Presidency and that he is not threatened by her being the boss and the days of a singular “king” at the top are over… and I quite frankly am very tired of always being one temper tantrum, one bruised ego away from having anything good in this country.

At least that’s what I’m taking away from this.

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Aug 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

I think he's getting worse. Leaning into who he is. I'm honestly speechless, bewildered that ANYONE thinks he's competent to run the country. To have the nuclear codes. Do they not watch the news? Do they know and not care? The kind of people who see this and don't care terrify me. I had a reckoning about humanity when he was elected the first time. There might have been some among those voters who were ignorant at the time about who he really is. There's no excuse now...

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ah, the tan suit brouhaha. Just saw a review of it, ending with two pictures of Reagan wearing....a tan suit.

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Aug 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

Great cartoon (Trump on the therapist's couch.) My favorite cartoons have always been those that need no caption; they say what they say in an instant, and say it no matter what language a person speaks. Regarding Trump's ugliness, craziness, pathological whatever-ness: Toward the end of your remarks, you say, "[Democrats] are on offense, which I am not used to seeing with [them]..." Long ago, when Trump first ran, I would hear commentators talking about him and his outrageous BS, and they would be so damn polite about their rebuttals. I would yell at the TV, saying, "This guy is a street fighter, and you're boxing by the Queensberry Rules! You're going to get your ass kicked! (Yes, a.k.a. Queensbury.) One reason I'm looking forward to the upcoming debate is that Trump can use his dirty fighting moves all he wants, but Harris is more like an advanced martial artist, and she'll be able to kick HIS ass, all while being professional about it. Another thing, which I've also advocated and posted on social media since way back when: Trump is the leader of a cult. It's not like cult; it is a cult. (I'm pleased that Jamie Raskin, a respected and high-profile Democrat, also uses this term.) Cults are difficult to debunk, but you don't do it by talking about policy and ignoring the insanity of it. I think the solution may have to do with identifying the real, deeper needs of cult members (fear, uncertainty, loss of identity, etc.) and then talking about how you're offering a sane alternative to a god-like strongman. Somehow get people to see they have goodness, value within themselves, and don't need the hollow promises of a maniacal buffoon; convince them that nobody's trying to take anything away from them, that they don't need a hero to deliver retribution to them.

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Aug 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

The ladder to hell has no bottom rung...proved over, and over, and over.

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Digital trading cards and if you spend enough $ you get piece of his debate suit?!!! If the economy is so bad then how can people afford to buy them, or his bible, or gold sneakers, or whatever else this snake oil salesman and his ilk are trying to peddle? Dr. Phil? He needs counseling as much as Trump! I've been to Arlington twice and once with my granddaughters and daughter and a long long time ago with my husband. Sacred ground! Thumbs up! I can't even. It's like saying thanks for giving your life so that I can have a photo op with your family. I'm sad to say my husband is a Vietnam Vet and he still refuses to disown Trump. Our 54th Anniversary is today and I just don't get how we could both be so far apart politically. He's not saying a lot lately. So, maybe, just maybe he is changing his mind slowly. One can only hope! But then again I think of the family that was allowing Trump to pose with them. They are entitled to their own opinions and to vote for whomever they choose, but the price of freedom to do so is so, so high - just look at all of the graves at Arlington, the solemnity of the Changing of the Guard, etc. The history of the place - and we shouldn't have to be talking about "his" story of how he thinks he is above the law and that God wants him to be President! Oh my! My rant is over! Love your drawing by the way. I'm not sure any counseling for him would be helpful because he listens to no one!

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Consider that once your emotional self gets hold of an image or an idea that it seems to need in the circumstances you're in, that grabs you in some primary way, possibly filling a hole that feels empty but you don't quite realize what you're doing, it is very hard to let go of the contents. It feels like your very own emotional drug supplier and then the supplier keeps you drugged. I do feel empathy for people who for whatever reason(s) have gotten stuck and also for whatever reason don't have the tools or the education or something life-changing that offers a more satisfying and shall we say intimate fill up for the lack, which is most likely to be filled by fear as well. Fear is one of the hardest things to work with especially when it starts early; I would almost say there's a culture of fear going on now. It seems that men might have a harder time admitting fear because they've bought into an an old old construct of malehood, not supposed to show fear. Or cry. Etc. What a trap. The trap itself is a very long and ancient built-construct of gender roles built through centuries

and very much reinforced by certain groups even in this 21st century America. Men born long enough to go and trapped in such a way will have a harder time even recognizing them as what they are, perhaps feeling threatened by even looking too closely. Probably the worst part is that the fear of being something other than they are, and making any changes in the whole setup they have built around themselves and see in others, keeps them completely self-jailed. Sort of like dying with your boots on, speaking in the pseudo cowboy style of Republican politicos back in the middle of the last century, sporting cowboy hats - HCR talks about those cowboy myths as part of the rise of the recent Republican Party from the '60s on.

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Aug 30Liked by Liza Donnelly

I especially liked this: "...the fear of being something other than they are, and making any changes in the whole setup they have built around themselves and see in others, keeps them completely self-jailed." Sounds a lot like a belief I've had for a long time, i.e. that we construct identities for ourselves, and then have difficulty letting go of them. The problem is that, if I let go of my identity, then who am I? To a lot of folks, that's pretty close to dying. But a bit of wisdom that goes back centuries, millennia really, is that something old dying leads to something new being born. Say goodbye to the old self/identity, mourn it properly, but then rejoice to the newborn you.

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