Not that I would have anything to do with RFK Jr. regardless, but unlike RFK and Aaron Rogers, at least Jesse Ventura has legitimate administrative experience as governor of Minnesota.

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Mar 14Liked by Liza Donnelly

Experience but not necessarily coherence. Still, even he’s better than the beast from Florida.

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I love the uncover cartoon. I will send it to select acquaintances. Thank you as always.

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I know, but....

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Mar 14Liked by Liza Donnelly

Welcome home. Your cartoon was featured online today.

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Welcome back... did you have fun at SXSW? It is exhausting and overstimulating most of the time, ain't it? I used to go every year, but 2015 was the last one I was at... it got HUGE very quickly.. anyway, I miss it and someday I might start going back. I'm catching it on YouTube Live. I looked for your event, but I guess they are just mostly doing keynote and main stage stuff. Anyway, hope the documentary presentation went well and you sold a lot of books :-)

Here is a link on SXSW for anyone who wants to listen to your presentation (53 minutes)


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Thanks! Yes, the mainstage folks were live streamed. I listened a little. It is huge, and every year I wonder if I will go back only because its costly and I never get to see the talks I want. YOu have to be quick and sign up ahead of time and I haven't figured that out yet! But then I think, okay, I'll do it again if they accept my proposal for a talk!

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Quick and the submission needs a video, detailed proposal… ugh… I have enough trouble doing today!! It’s already almost noon and I haven’t yet solved world peace or fed all the hungry, let alone put together a SXSW video proposal.. maybe 2026 😁

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I was a Republican voter back to 1972. But over the last 20 year, the GOP has departed from reason. If you can't see Trump as a threat and Biden as the only reasonable option, then you need to re-examine how you came to that conclusion.

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Good cartoons. I'm glad Biden is allowing Harris to get public, like Obama did for Bide3n.

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I too was a republican when just out of college and a young professional. I thought that I was hot stuff as a pharmacist in a hospital. The experienced nursing staff wasn’t always impressed. I learned a lot from them and grew up a bunch. I’ve done the same with politics. The GOP HAS ABANDONED THE LAW, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THE IDEA OF A DEMOCRACY!

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Mar 15Liked by Liza Donnelly

Kennedy is a wacko...just what we don't need more of. I agree. I'm also happy that Harris is making appearances. She needs to. I pray for Biden every night and day.

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Thanks as always Liza, for great cartoons and comments. I have two minor disagreements today. First, I think few people will vote for Kennedy just because of his name, without looking at what he believes in. (He will split the crackpot vote with Trump!) Second, it's respectful to refer to a politician by the highest office they achieved: Jesse Ventura, former governor of Minnesota. (He's also a Vietnam vet.) Thanks!

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I should have called him Govenor Ventura, you're right. I do think people will look at Kennedy and vote for him simply because of his name and having been a part of that family. Without looking into his policies. Who knows how many, we just can't be sure.

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I'm laughing at loud at--the uncover sketch. Thank you LIZA!!!!!!!!

We really need "Trump-Free-Zones..." for our own sanity. And maybe Golden retriever puppies at least one day a week......

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